
Sultanas from Greece

Since 1990, we took a big leap towards technology. Investing in three state-of the art factories equipped with laser sorters, x-rays, accredited laboratories and quality control systems, the Union entered a new era. Until today the investment in our facilities but also in clinical and development research is continuous. In the next five years, our mission is to leverage our quality advantage over the competition and spread awareness about who we are and why our products are unique. Our extensive research on health properties of black Corinthian currants allows us to be optimistic and inspired to continue.

Remaining faithful to our values, we envisage to perfect the model of cooperatives and inspire farmers of other products to embrace it. We strongly believe that fair prices and effective promotion can be achieved alongside with sustainable development and distribution of profits back to society. This is our vision. To spread our unique products worldwide while embracing the values of solidarity, justice, goodness and wholeness.


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