LOCATION: HOME>SUPPLY>Europe>Dairy>Belarus

Milk,Yoghourt and Cheese


We run an honorable business:
We provide people with natural dairy products, the regular consumption of which helps people to improve their health.

The company uses the best in the world dairy industry production technologies, which allows to provide a sufficiently long shelf life of natural dairy products without the use of preservatives while strictly observing the temperature regimes of transportation and storage from +2 to +6 ° С.

That is where the competent production and transport logistics of the company, as well as the availability of its own distribution network comes for help.


If you are interested in"Milk,Yoghourt and Cheese"please send us message here, We will take it seriously and contact you as soon as possible! Thank you!
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15362309995 0754 88485995

Add: 中国 汕头