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【SPAIN】Noblejas Wine

Castillo de Palomares
Wine obtained 100% from Tempranillo red grapes variety.

Castillo de Palomares Blanco
Wine obtained 100% from Airén grapes variety.

Good  Viticulture work

CARLOS Gª DE LA ROSA and his family are successors of the passion and good work of Viticulture, cradle of good wines, where everything begins. Nowadays, García de la Rosa is in process of constant transformation and evolution of his winery, in order to elaborate his wines with the best grapes, using the latest technology, working hard to produce wines of the best quality.

A unique location, a special climate
The low rainflow, of about 400L per year, is one special characteristique of the the climate where the vineyards are located. Together with the fact of having 3.000 hours of sun per year, lead to produce wines with plenty and own personallity, where fruit is always found, with predominacy of intense fruity aromas.


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